How Casa Belushi The founder of Ogene Agulu is using WhatsApp Group to drive social change in Agulu,Anambra State

7 months ago 496

How Casa Belushi The founder of  Ogene Agulu is using WhatsApp Group to drive social change in Agulu,Anambra State

Recently, I interviewed the brilliant Casa Belushi, Founder of Ogene Agulu. In this interview, Casa Belushi discusses his journey prior to founding Ogene Agulu, his role in helping the less voiceless people of Agulu and how WhatsApp is driving strong communication among the people of Agulu.

Having been in the trade for over years, he has built up a large network of sources, ranging from ordinary residents in different villages in Agulu to top bureaucrats, local police and administrative officials. He has also cultivated his own team of informers and photographers, whom he contacts to get most things done.

Work on a typical story begins when Can Belushi gets a tip from one of his informers, which he forwards to potential group call Agulu Think Tank. Once he gets a nod of interest, he returns to the informer to gather more context and information. If needed, he may send one of his informers to get a quick bite from a source such as a local government official. For a video story, all these elements are sent to various WhatsApp groups, which then stitches together all the components. When the news is published or released on WhatsApp  channels, Casa Belushi sends a screen grab, and a link, if available, to his various WhatsApp groups.

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