Many married women are bitter and depressed because they monitor their husbands' phones - Nigerian woman says

3 hours ago 2
A Nigerian woman, Kate Chinagorom Eze, has said that many married women are bitter and depressed because they constantly monitor their husbands' phones.  Kate, who stated this in a Facebook post on Friday, March 14, gave an instance about how a woman landed in the hospital after confronting her husband's ex over a message she sent to him.  Having women in a closer Community has opened my eyes to why many of them are bitter and depressed. One of the major reasons is that married women feed on their husbands phones like food which has caused many different types of illnesses, she wrote. One of us shared how she was constantly on medication because she refused to sleep as she monitors her husband's phone. She shared how she had an accident thinking of a message from her husband's ex even when she wasn't sure they were dating. The husband tried to make her understand that they had nothing going on but she didn't believe. She went ahead to confront the lady who out of anger dished out things that never happened just to make sure she leaves that marriage. That singular act landed her in the hospital and she spent days.  Hmmm if she has kpaied, life must go on.    The post Many married women are bitter and depressed because they monitor their husbands' phones - Nigerian woman says appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.
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